First 30 Days Results

The story of the manager meeting will be largely told in pictures at some point this week, but for now it's time for a look back at the past 30 days and how I've done with my commitment to blogging every day.

Total posts: 25 (including this)

Days missed: 4 (I wrote a little post that I never actually published because of the poor internet connection, then I missed the next three days at the meeting outright. Once I missed those days, the little blip of a post was no longer worth putting up.)

Was it worthwhile? Definitely. I may not always have published a gem--heck, I may not have published a gem all month--but I'm back into it now. And without the obligation to post daily, I might be able to actually put some more time into a few of my posts. Not that they're usually masterpieces or anything, but things are better when they're not rushed, right?

What's Next? I've got a list of eleven more things that I can do this year, and I stared at it for about 20 minutes before making the decision. The list, by the way, will remain unrevealed at the moment since it's a living document. Also, if you have any suggestions (smartass or otherwise), feel free to post them in the comments. But as for the next 30 days, I'll be practicing the guitar. It's another of those things I want to get back in the habit of doing. So we'll get to tell pretty early in the year if I have any stick-to-it-iveness, or if I can only commit to something like this while I'm constantly being reminded. (I know I've heard people say that word, but how does one spell it? And is it even a word?)

As a side note, I'm planning on updating my MMA blog over on on a daily basis for four weeks, starting next week. This will be independent of the Year of the Month projects. I want to do that because it's a lot easier to come up with ideas and write columns if I'm in the habit of writing regularly and thinking of smaller subjects for shorter column lengths.

So I may or may not post tomorrow, but you can bet it won't be another six weeks before you hear from me again.