Long Overdue Rough Draft

Well, I've finally gotten my hands on a new desktop that can handle the kind of video editing I want to do, and that means it's time to go poring through many hours of footage that needs to be cataloged, edited, compiled, and produced. Just for fun, I went through the footage from the Nashville trip the guys and I took a couple of years ago that I said I was going to edit, and I threw this together. I forgot to add transitions, so it's a bit rough, but it's a jumping off point. Oh, and you can watch in HD, which is also cool.

(Side note - guys, I'll send you each a copy of the DVD I'll make from this once I get it all put together and trimmed up.)


Zimm said...


this made me remember that I actually like you guys.

Joel said...

That was awesome! It totally made me want to do another trip. This summer? Huh? What do you say?

Also, in the final version, if you would make me less fat, that would be great.

Deb Ennis said...

Totally cool, my son.... so can you show me how to do that? Maybe I can take the last 40 years and put it together....

AtomicU2 said...

So, based on this timetable - we can expect the DVD in . . . 2021?
Dude, this is very cool - thanks for sharing.